  • Mo - Fr 8.30 - 17.00
  • Nowoberestecka 14/A, 02-204 Warsaw
  • +48 886 457 757 Dział sprzedaży




Frequently Asked Questions

Depends on the number of employees, position, number of hours per month, type of tests needed. Whether transport and accommodation are needed, who provides the work attires.

It depends on the gender and employee requirements (e.g. knowledge of Polish, driving license category B).

Depending on what period is required and how many employees there will be. There is a coordinator for up to 10 people who commutes from time to time.

From 3-6 months, but it is possible to do annual permits.

Usually we do, but if the client also  has this possibility, the rate is lower.

If there is such a requirement, we provide those who do.

We have been co-creating the labor market in Poland for 4 years. Our team consists of almost 90 experts who guarantee the highest level of service.

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